There is that day every week I go to the store, usually I take the time to separate the beef and pre-cook some of it, burguers are something I know for sure will be fast any day I wont have the time to cook any elaborate kind of meal or just make easy to eat something fast instead of going around thinking on having a burguer at the corner joint.... Which a few years back I would may have enjoy, but now I know better how to feed my body to eat delicious and in a healthy way.
Of course I keep a few flavors since the idea is to have a variety, I love the turkey ones but I love to eat fish since is a very light meat which makes it perfect to have it at dinner time.
Always remembering some delicious crab cakes I wanted something that remind me of such, but crab meat is somehow more expensive and my pockets cry when I choose it so I needed an option a little more accesible and carb free so I tried this, I really hope you like it too.
Fishcakes or Fish Burguers
1 pound fresh white fish
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
7 tablespoons almond meal
3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup baby spinach
1/2 cup baby kale
1/4 tb pepper flakes
Coarse salt
Fresh ground pepper
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place fish in a baking dish; rub with 1 tablespoon oil. Roast it in oven until cooked through, 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool completely, then pat dry with paper towels & flake with a fork.
In a large bowl, combine fish, egg, scallions, lemon juice, mustard, almond meal, parsley, pepper flakes, salt, and pepper. Mix gently until ingredients just hold together.
With a cookie cutter form mixture into eight equal-size patties. Flash freeze on baking sheets for 7-10 minutes or until firm, To serve the cakes: Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook cakes until golden brown, about 2 minutes on each side. Serve hot or allow them to flash freeze for 14 minutes, then wrap each in plastic and store in resealable freezer bags, for up to 1 month. Thaw before cooking.
Croquetas de pescado o burguers
1 libra de pescado blanco fresco
1 huevo grande, ligeramente batido
1/4 taza de cebollines en rodajas finas
1 cucharada de jugo de limón fresco
2 cucharadas de mostaza de Dijon
7 cucharadas de harina de almendra
3 cucharadas de perejil fresco picado
1/2 taza de espinacas picaditas
1/2 taza de kale
1/4 cucharada de chile en hojuelas
Sal gruesa
Pimienta recién molida
2 cucharadas de aceite de coco
Precaliente el horno a 400 grados. Coloque el pescado en una fuente de horno; frotar con 1 cucharada de aceite. Aselo en horno hasta que estén cocidas, de 15 a 20 minutos. Deje enfriar por completo, y luego seque con toallas de papel y desmenuce con un tenedor.
En un tazón grande, combine el pescado, el huevo, el cebollín, el jugo de limón, la mostaza, harina de almendras, el perejil, las hojuelas de chile, sal y pimienta. Mezclar suavemente hasta que los ingredientes esten mezclados.
Con un cortador de galletas forma ocho hamburguesas de igual tamaño. Congela rapidamente en bandejas durante 7-10 minutos o hasta que estén firmes, para servir los pasteles: Calienta 1 cucharada de aceite en una sartén grande antiadherente a fuego medio. Cocine hasta que estén doradas, unos 2 minutos por cada lado, Sirva caliente o les permiten congelarse durante 14 minutos, luego envolver cada una en plástico y guardar en bolsas para congelar con cierre, hasta por 1 mes. Descongele antes de cocinar.