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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Salsa Verde

Cuando alguien como yo se cansa de comer siempre con el mismo sabor, al menos yo, cambio todo (todo llamese el sabor de la salsa) podria comer un pedazo de pollo algrill cada diade la semana pero necesito cambiarle el sabor y mi madre siempre me decia si le cambias el sazon o la salsa y alguno de los acompanantes; tienes una comida completamente diferente (ella sabe de eso, si fuese por ella comeriamos pollo asado cada comida del dia)
Con carne, cochino, pollo o pescados solo cambio mis salsas, y porque me gustan mis salsas casi sin sal y definitivamente sin aceites en ellas, perfiero hacerlas yo; de esa manera controlo cuanta sal o que tipos de ingredientes van en ellas....... como hoy estoy con ganas de comida mexicana acompane mi bisteck con una ensalada de frijoles negros unas rebanadas de zanahorias pero lo mas importante con esa deliciosa salsa verde que disfruto tanto en casa.


  • Tomatillos
  • Cilantro
  • Ajo
  • Cebolla
  • Sal
  • Vinagre de la lata de chiles
  • Chiles serranos pero se pueden usar jalapenos

Pele los tomatillos y lavelos bien con agua.

Hoy decidi rostizar algunos de los ingredientes.

Mientras eso sucedia pique el cilantro un poco.

Ah! si y los chiles,para hacer el proceso mas facil en la licuadora.

Tendria que lucir mejor que esto, me olvide y como my rostizador se apaga solo se enfriaron y no les pude tomar la foto cuando estaban recien hechos, pero dan la idea, a poner todoslos ingredientes en la licuadora, algunas veces me gusta dejarlo de una manera mas rustica, otras veces lo licuo mas para hacer la salsa bien homogenea.

Luce bien verdad? pero pica mas que nunca!!!!

Tip; Si esta muy picante colocale mas tomatillos, aunque algo de crema o crema agria le complementaran el estilo mexicano y le bajan unos tonos al picante.
Si lo que te gusta es el sabor mas fresco, en vez de rostizar los ingredientes, hierve los tomatillos en agua por unos minutos hasta que se abren.
Yo uso esta salsa sobre algunas carnes o para aderezar alguna ensalada, pero si quiero algo cocido en salsa; lo cocino en mayoria del tiempo pescado, esta salsa es muy versatil.

Zucchini???? But I want Pasta, Italian food!!!!

Since I am part Italian, I always thought that life without pasta was not life and so I grew up with pasta as a staple in my meals. Little did I know or imagine there is an allergy to gluten (main part of anything made of wheat, processed or not) so when I met this girl who used to not only get bloated but her legs would literally inflate in seconds, I knew there was something very wrong with it, but since that was my staple how could I keep my friends and my beloved pasta together?
If I had actually looked for a solution I would have never found it; I always thought that nothing but my mother's food could satisfy my voracious appetite.... But, here I was shredding pounds and looking for new ways to eat without carbs (yes, I've been evading my staple) but I couldn't do it any longer!! One blessed day my daughter took me to a restaurant, because she thought if I ate out maybe I would forget about my biggest craving, "The Pasta," and I thought well if I cannot eat pasta at least I will enjoy my sweet daughter's company and I will eat the craziest food they may have, asking them to remove any carb on it. So there we were in this amazing restaurant my daughter wanted to try and I was reading the menu, when something started "whispering" my name, but as soon as I looked at it, there it was, that wonderful word... "PASTA" and you.... Well most of you, know I am a one-mind-set-decision woman, so I looked away, and there were a few exquisite selection of dishes but nothing appealed to me, I wanted that pasta, so there it is! The reason why people get into a "Yo Yo lifestyle;" I said to myself as an excuse "I will have it and go back to my diet tonight, only my daughter will know and she won't sell me out", so I looked at her with a guilty face and said "I will have the pasta", she looked at me a little confused, then at the menu and again at me and she said "good choice mom! I am so proud of you, to come to this place and get the best choice you can".... Hey! Can you imagine she was cheering on my choice?! Either I went crazy or she didn't understand, so I decide not to ask her about it but to give my choice a second look, well let me tell you she wasn't crazy I only read Pasta but the dish was called "I can't believe it's not PASTA" before I could finish reading my daughter was telling the waitress what we wanted and like that I had ask for my first non-pasta dish... Just so you know, I have recreated it so many times that now I may say I am in love again.

"I can't Believe I... may have something like Pasta.

1 big zucchini sliced just like julienned
1/2 cup of marinara
3 tbsp of coconut cream (I use milk, cream, half and half...or what ever I may have in my pantry)
1/4 cup of mozzarella.. today I used a couple of  mozzarella sticks instead
Parmesan cheese for taste


Place the zucchini in a plate or in a colander and sprinkle with salt, 

While that is going on for a few minutes you may heat the marinara to almost boiling point,

Wash the zucchini removing all the salt, let the water run a minute over it and dry it as much as you can, put the cream in the sauce and mix..... Let it boil once.

 then add the mozzarella, turn off the heat and mix it well until the mozzarella is all gooey

It should something like this;

put the zucchini in, mix like you would do with regular pasta serve, sprinkle with some Parmesan  and Enjoy it.

I found out this restaurant has another location and they offer the zucchini noodles too, but with some kind of Bologna sauce, I will try it and let you know.

Tip: the middle of the zucchini may be cut in quarts and keep it to do a stir fry in a latter day, or to give thickness to a soup..... This gives me an idea, I will ask my mother about her zucchini creamed soup and I will share it with you!

                                Until next time!